Woman using a foam gun to administer gorilla pro expanding foam on a building site

How Gorilla Expanding Foams can help meet the
updated H1 Insulation requirements


The changes to H1 Insulation requirements for housing & small buildings have resulted in an increased emphasis for improved insulative values to the building elements including walls, other floors (not slab on ground) and roof’s. It has become ever apparent that the need for the “tradie” to provide an improved solution for the homeowner is becoming more front and centre of their minds.

The issue in the past is that many tradies have used expanding foams to fill spaces without real thought (apart from blocking a draft) to the insulation benefits that can be achieved, or not bothered at all as they saw no real need to fill ‘small inconsequential spaces’ that in the scheme of things appear as such a small part of the overall structure. However, with these changes to ‘H1 Insulation’, overall energy efficiency of the build is something that is being talked about.

The Gorilla Expanding Foam Range provides a simple solution to fill spaces to a specific depth so that you can achieve the desired R-Value rating to meet your clients needs in their build. As can be shown in the table below, each of the products within the Gorilla Expanding Foam Range have slightly different insulative properties, and by changing the depth of application we can support your design requirements. For those that require a Low-VOC insulative expanding foam we have the Gorilla MS Foam in the easy to use “SMART” Cannister format.

Should you have a very specific R-Value requirement please contact our technical team on 0800 70 10 80 and we can assist you in this.