Welcome to Soudal NZ
A message from our CEO, Simon RickmanÂ
You need reliable products you can trust. We’ve been part of the New Zealand industry for more than 30 years, which means we have a strong knowledge of the ever-changing building industry. We stand behind our products, knowing they are tried, tested, and meet NZ Building regulations.
We’re more than just words—we have a local team on the ground to provide technical support for all your technical needs, click here to find your local territory representative.
Our Story
The ultimate high grab adhesive
A high-performance adhesive you can trust to work, the first time, everytime.
- Polystyrene safe
- Suitable for multiple substrates such as wallboard, plasterboard, metals, timber and flooring
- High strength
- Bonds to both damp & dry timbers
- Interior & exterior use
A solution for all your sealing requirements!
- A range of neutral cure and acetic cure silicones
- Application-specific to take the guesswork out of your product choice
- Mould resistant
Soudal is the largest manufacture of PU Foams for the Construction Industry in the world.
Check out the largest range of PU foams in NZ here!